Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Moving right along!

So today was D-day, moving day. I have been spending the last week working on getting my stuff ready for the big move, packing, sorting and the like. Well first off I never realized I had some many pieces of clothing, so I first got that all sorted out. I then decided to be all "organized" by getting the kitchen items divided to one area, den items to another, bathroom, bedroom etc, you get the idea. I took pictures of everything..... well I think it is just supposed to be expensive items but this helped me make a more complete inventory if I could refer to a pic for each item listed, wow this makes me sound really anal retentive huh!!! So the whole making a list and taking pictures took some time too, about a day really.

It seemed to be quite a drag, not to mention I went down memory lane WAAAYYYYYY too much when I was going through my room. Oh and on a side note thank you Kate for helping me clean out my room over a year ago or this would have been a HORRIBLE process!!!! In the end though I think I am thankful I went this extra step since it did make everything go very smoothly this morning when the movers came. FYI they all asked how many times I had done this since I seemed like a pro! *blush and mental high five*

So now here I am with most of my worldly possessions all boxed up and ready to be moved in the am. This is a huge relief and it kinda makes me think that I can take on this whole move by myself, quite a feet! Over the last week as I have been packing I have honestly had my doubts, it just seems like too huge a project/life change to be doing all alone and with no prior experience at something like this *waves around*. Amazingly today calmed my nerves just by how smooth it all went and how well I had been able to prepare on my own, by just reading up and finding resources with the information I needed.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me find the information I needed, answered all my annoying questions, calmed my irrational fears and have just otherwise "been there" for me.
Love ya!!!


Unknown said...

You are doing fabulously well. Just keep taking it one step/project at a time and it will all fall into place. And enjoy the process!!! So what if you make a mistake or two--it ain't brain surgery:>)!!! I'll be thinking of you often so keep blogging. We've got your back here. Annie

kate said...

oh my gosh! I can't believe've moved! p.s. I love that couch!