Sunday, December 9, 2007

New Orleans

So Kate needed to go to New Orleans in person to trun in her visa to go to Spain. What else were we to do but turn it into a five day vaction......we had fun! I've never been to New Orleans so this was something special. The city is still in bad shape since the flood but over all we had a wonderful time!

Our hotel room, Jackson Square and the oldest bar in has not electricity.

Oh the places I've seen this year

So this year has been wonderful and I really could not ask for more. I traveld to Texas, graduated, passed my boards, went to New Orleans to play and just jet set all over the great US of A!!!

I know those letters you get around christmas time are pretty dumb but I just HAD to do this. I dunno why really besides the whole thing about finally making it and dreams coming true and all that jazz but lets just roll with it. As you my friends know the last few years have had far more downs than ups, in fact most of you laugh when the song "when going through hell" comes on. Well I did make it through school and then I got my travel on. I guess next I'm going to work on a mission trip. We shall see what the next year brings!

Love ya,