Lets see how fast I can do this, hmmm ok everything that has gone on in the last month..
Took part in Kelly and JB's wedding
Went with Holly as she committed herself to Christ
Took part in Lindsay and Mike's wedding
So I guess you can call this last month two weddings and a Christ....sounds about right to me.
So in other news I have filled out all paperwork, signed my life away and been looking for apartments in Germany. Just a small rant here on one of said pieces of paperwork. Apparently 90% of the forms the government sends you are unable to be saved as you fill them out. You have to fill it ALL out then print right then. Well this can cause even the average bear to get burned out. For example I had to list all the jobs I have had in the last seven years, with the name and address of someone who knew me then as well as a supervisor name and address.......yeah. Well like most people my age this seven years covers my college years. Meaning that I had some random short jobs, the kind where you never even knew your supervisor name then much less now. Oh well I managed to get through it and give as much information as possible. They wrote me back today and said that I "passed" and they would be in contact with me. I just wanted to thank all y'all for your prayers and words of support. Have a wonderful day!!
Love ya,
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