Monday, February 2, 2009

The big event

After New Years I got sick again...perhaps due to New Years. *shrug*

My cousin Louise was getting married and I had worked it out to be able to get home...for the weekend and see the big event. It was a surprise so she did not know I was going to make it there. The flight was pretty harsh since I was still sick, my tv did not work, the head set thing did not work, I had no leg room due to a metal box that was part of the plane under the seat in front of me and of couse my seat mate next to me was a teenage horror. After 24hrs of travel I got into the Springs and then went to bed so I could be ready for the weekend.

Over all it was a lovely time till I woke up the morning of my flight (Mon) with horrible chills, fever and feeling like a truck had run over me. Really I had been feeling pretty bad all night but I just did not realize how bad off I was till I tried to get out of bed. When I did get the clue that my fever was close to 103 I got my parents up and we headed to the ER in a CO snow storm. Come to find out after chest x-rays, sinus x-rays and a flu test *drum roll* had the flu and a snius infection.

I was not allowed to fly out till friday so my parents and other relatives had to continue on with their travel plans while dear Aunt Sissy and Uncle Teever took me into their home. I was taken care in style no worries and did get the flight back to Germany.

All in all is was a wonderful trip if only to see my family.

Espically to see them cut up the rug like they did!!!