As many of you know I get excited about the smallest things and this post is one of them. As most of y'all know I have been presented with an amazing opportunity to move over seas and take a job as a nurse in a military hospital. I would still be working as an ICU nurse getting that thrill I love along with learning all kinds of new things. Well today the "manager" of this unit called me!!! I cannot explain how my mind went blank right after I found out who it was. The first question she asked was tell me about yourself......*tumble weed blows by*....
Though I am unsure how I managed to get the words out I did manage to tell her a few key facts about me, myself, and the nurse I am. I told her how I have worked for a year and a half as a RN in a wonderful hospital (though lets be honest it is the getto) and have had the privileged to work with some truly inspiring co-works. Little did they know I had hand picked them so that I could be the nurse I know God wants me to be. Their knowledge and skills I will forever cherish and hold close so that I too can become a truly wonderful nurse. I believe the interview went well over all and that I made a good impression on the person who could be my future boss
So about this job. The "manager" on the phone told me how there are so many different types of patients I might see while working there. I could have a balloon pump on a cardiac patient one day and the next have burn patient or a blast injury to the head. This job is going to challenge me in ways I could never imagine!!! I hope they want me!
I am taking a leap out and hope all this works out. How wonderful would it be to be able to travel Europe for a year and make new friends? Plus I get to be on the same side of the pond as Kate which is a total upgrade.
There are some draw backs though. I get this funny feeling....ok so I read it somewhere that I am going to be filling out paperwork till my fingers bleed and then a bit longer. I have been going to web page after web page to see if I can get more info on my move and just really try to figure out how this all is going to come together. Let me tell you I my head hurts for all the acronyms I just read in the past hour alone. To tell you the truth I think they make up half of them there has got to be a better way!!! I know in the end I will become a ninja at all this but right now I do feel like I am the first one who has EVER done something like this, or at least the first person I have ever known that has taken this leap! I know I am being lead to a wonderful place and its all going to turn out just fine. So wish me luck!!!!
So with the hope of getting this job I have started to design my apartment, yeah I am THAT dorky! I will try to get the images scanned in that I am using and will try to post them.
So goodnight!
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